Please help a missionary family buy a car for more effective ministry

Anatoly and Galina Shabak, are a young missionary couple from Ukraine. They have a young son. Their second son died in childbirth not too long ago. But even this tragedy did not stop their zeal for serving people and preaching the gospel. However, in order to organize church meetings, help people in need and reach as many villages in the district as possible- missionaries need transportation.

In 2014, after graduating from Missionary Bible School at the “Good Samaritan” Mission in Rivne, Ukraine, Anatoly and Galina were sent to the Rivne region for missionary work. Later, they were sent to the village of Malyutintsy, in the Poltava region. Seeing a great need for missionary work in this small village, Anatoly and Galina decided to stay.

There is a small (17 people) church in Malyutnitsy. Missionaries organized children’s and youth ministry. They also started missionary work in 5 nearby villages – Oleksievka, Natalivka, Archemivka, Kulazhintsi, Maryanivka. The church is growing and people are getting saved. Some people regularly attend church services and fellowship but have not repented yet.

“We live and serve in a rural area, and always face the problem of transportation when we need to travel for ministry, or to go to a hospital or into the city.”

The missionaries are asking for our help in purchasing a car for ministry, which costs 8 thousand dollars.
Friends, please help this sacrificial family. God bless you in this good deed!