Thank you to everyone who blessed the family of young widow, Yulia Boryshkevych and her 5 children. Your generosity exceeded our expectations and almost 50 thousand dollars was collected for them. Praise God.

On April 1, 2021, Volodymyr Boryshkevych completed his earthly journey at age 35. The Lord called him back to heavenly dwellings. He was a wonderful brother, father, husband and son.

Volodymyr was born on July 22, 1985. His parents instilled a love for God in him from childhood. Volodymyr loved people and his life purpose was to preach the Gospel.

Volodymyr drove thousands of kilometers with his father and brothers through Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Belgium, and Romania, spreading the Good News in cities and villages. Even at the time when he was severely debilitated by the disease, barely able to walk, he still went on to evangelize and preach the Word of God.

On November 6, 2020, after running many tests, doctors diagnosed Volodymyr with a terrible disease – cancer- which took his life. For the past five months, he fought a good fight. Until his last breath, Volodymyr was conscious and remained faithful to the One to whom he devoted his whole life.

Volodymyr left behind his beloved wife Yulia, and their 5 children: Rostislav(11), Elvira(9), Martin(7), Philip(4), and Timothy(1).