Christmas Gifts Project

Our annual project “Christmas Gifts” helps us raise finances for orphans and children from poor/disadvantaged families in India, Ukraine, and Moldova. Our local contacts (churches and charity organizations), buy and package sweets and fruits. Many times, a special Christmas celebration is held with music, singing, drama and games.

Christmas in India

Children in India celebrate Christmas with lots of singing, a special meal and soda, which is a rare treat.

Pictured below are girls from the “Good Samaritan” Girl’s Home in India. Girls received new tracksuits and sweaters for school as Christmas gifts from our ministry.

Christmas Outreach in Ukraine

Missionaries in Ukraine hold various Christmas outreach services during the holidays. Using available resources, they act out the Christmas story, sing songs and distribute gifts. Praise God for freedom in Ukraine to just go into the town squares and on the streets to sing carols and preach to anyone passing by.